About Joy

On August 11, 2019, Joy Melissa Martz unexpectedly passed away. Joy lived just like her name suggests, she brought light and sparkle everywhere she went. Joy was remarkable because she lifted others up even though she herself had special needs. Joy was on the autism spectrum and was non-verbal her whole life. She communicated instead with her eyes, her smile, her hugs, her fondness of tiaras and all things sparkly, and her total acceptance of others.

Through Tapestry of Joy I am going to share Joy’s story as well as my story. Please keep in mind that I am not an expert in biblical studies; but, my Joy’s life did something for me that no one else could do, it put me on a search to know God. And, that search has made me a student of the Word of God with a resolve to have a proper understanding of God, His Word and my relationship to Him.

I am praying that as I share what God has taught me that I will be used by God to help others. 2 Corinthians 1:3, 4 has become my motto: “Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.”

About Me & Why I’m Here

My heart is filled with thanksgiving for so many wonderful people who have touched my life on my journey to “know God.” These people, some of whom I’ve never met in person, played a vital role in having a proper understanding of Scripture. I treasure each and every one.

Dr. James Dobson and his book When God Doesn’t Make Sense was the first step of bringing healing to my wounded heart. He had me when he wrote, “In my 26 years of professional counseling, I have seen a few other circumstances in living that equal the agony of a shattered faith.”

I read that and said, “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

I marked my book. I underlined it. Then, I reread it and highlighted it. Then I reread it and put a big star in the margin of the book. For the first time I felt like someone understood what I was experiencing. Thankfully, what Dr. Dobson wrote in his book helped me to know what my next step needed to be.

Judith Bauer, a colleague and friend of mine, knew her Bible better than anyone I’d ever known. So, my next step was to ask if she would study the Bible with me. She said, “You know there is nothing I love to do more than study the Bible.” I cannot thank her enough for the 20 years she invested in me helping me to have a proper understanding of God’s Word.

About this time I got a computer and learned how to use the internet. (I know I’m showing my age.) I googled a key word Judy used frequently, “Let Israel be Israel and the church be the church.” The search led me to Ariel Ministries and Dr. Arnold Fruchenbaum. Their Come and See lessons helped me grow in my understanding of the Bible. I attended Camp Shoshanna the summer of 2013. While there I had the blessing of sitting under the teaching of Dr. Fruchtenbaum on his book Life of Messiah. Dr. Fruchtenbaum’s has another book that was influential in my understanding of prophecy called Footsteps of the Messiah. This book takes Old Testament prophecies as well as the Olivet Discourse and New Testament Scriptures and puts them in the proper sequence in the book of Revelation. It was an amazing study and tremendous blessing to me.

The next influential person that God placed in my life was Dr. Renald Showers. Dr. Showers was employed by Friends of Israel. I met him when he spoke (twice) at the church I attend, Grace Community Church. My husband and I had the joy of hosting Rennie and his dear wife, Ellie, during both of those speaking engagements. I bought and studied out almost all of Dr. Shower’s books. Because I had a personal relationship with him when questions arose I would contact Dr. Showers and he would walk me through having a proper understanding of the subject at hand.

As time went on I felt the Holy Spirit nudging me toward discipleship. My mentor, Judy, had impressed on me the importance of 2 Timothy 2:2, “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.”

As I googled for doctrinally sound materials on discipleship. A website called Disciple Daily popped up. Arlie Francis is the founder of this ministry. The Lord impressed Arlie with the need for a simple disciple-making process that would empower everyday folks to make disciples who make disciples. That was exactly what I was looking for. I contacted Arlie and God has blessed my husband, Don, and me richly through the friendship we developed with Arlie and his wife, Noemi. We first met the Francis’s in 2015 when they came to the area and did a presentation called Walk Through The Bible. In February 2023 Don and I had the privilege spending 12 wonderful, inspiring days on a tour of Israel with Disciple Daily. Don and I praise God for bringing these fellow lovers of the Word of God into our lives.

I would be remiss if I neglected to mention the spiritual growth Don and I have experienced under Dr. Andy Woods Ministries and Sugarland Bible Church. Although we have never met Dr. Woods he has greatly impacted our lives.

I first became familiar with Dr. Woods in an online website which provided a weekly article on Dr. Woods study on The Coming Kingdom. Each week I would print out the lesson and put it in a notebook. One day I learned that there was now a book on the study so I threw out the 500 or more pages I’d printed and bought the book. After reading that book I bought all of Dr. Woods other books. I honed in on his 1 hour verse by verse sermons, 1 hour Sunday school classes and 1 hour Wednesday night Bible studies. I may never meet Dr. Woods this side of heaven but when I get to heaven there will come a day when I will thank him for giving to the Lord because his teachings were so instrumental in my life.

And then there are my dear sisters in Christ who have been a part of the Bible studies I’ve taught. You know who you are. You have been such a huge part of my journey. You have been my cheerleaders and encouragers. How can I ever thank you? Oh I know! You already are. Every time I hear that you are teaching a Bible study I smile and think, 2 Timothy 2:2.” What a blessing you are to me and those you are now discipling! Great will be your reward!

This website would not exist without Loni Martz Briner. Loni is savvy, creative and smart as a whip; not to mention young enough to be my granddaughter. She built this website and patiently walked me through each step. I love how her love for Jesus shines so brightly. Thank you for lending your incredible talent and insight to this website. You are truly a treasure.

Don, my darling husband, you are a gift from God to me. You have been a true partner in ministry with me. Thank you for supporting me and encouraging me every step of the way. After 50 years of marriage, if I had to do it over again, I would still choose you. I love you.

And finally, all praise to the Lord Jesus Christ, who has promised that “All things work together for the good of those who love the Lord.” Romans 8:28. You are faithful! Thank you for the joy and hope you have brought into my life.


What people believe drives everything they do.” - Arlie Francis

What I Believe…

  • One God eternally exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Genesis 1:26, Isaiah 6:8, 48:16, Matthew 3:16-17, 2 Corinthians 3:14)

  • The Bible provides a factual account of the origins of Creation. In 6 literal days, the heavens and the earth were created. By disobedience, mankind separated itself from God through sin. Death entered the world. (Genesis 1:1-2:25, Genesis 3:1-24, Romans 5:12)

  • Jesus is the promised Messiah of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament). He is fully God and fully man. He lived a sinless life, permanently atoning for believing man’s sins through His substitutionary death, burial, and resurrection. He is now seated at the right hand of God the Father. (Genesis 3:15, Deuteronomy 18:18, Psalm 110:1-7, Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 53:1-12, Micah 5:2, John 1:1-18, John 1:35-51)

  • Jesus is the only way of salvation for anyone, Jew or Gentile, from the eternal consequences of their sin. The means of salvation has been the same for all people throughout history. Salvation is an entirely gracious work of God. Personal salvation is received upon the sole condition of one’s own personal faith in God’s only Son - Jesus. The act of faith by an individual is not reckoned as works. The righteousness of Messiah is imputed to the sinner, and he is regenerated to eternal life. (Psalm 133:3, Daniel 12:22, John 3:16, John 4:14, John 17:2, 1 Thessalonians 4:16)

  • The Holy Spirit empowers all believers to live a life pleasing to God. The Holy Spirit endows believers with gifts of His determination. In this age, God baptizes all new believers with the Holy Spirit at the moment of their belief. The Holy Spirit permanently indwells and seals all believers into one body, the Body of Messiah. (Romans 15:13)

  • God’s gracious and unconditional covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob established Israel’s unique status as the elect nation. It established an irrevocable gifting of the land of Israel to the Jewish people forever. While all the families of the earth are blessed through Abraham’s seed (Jesus), Israel’s unconditional covenants will be completely fulfilled in Israel, not in/by the Church. (Genesis 12:1-3, Romans 9:1-11:36)

  • The church began at Pentecost and consists of all Jewish and Gentile believers of this age. Jewish believers of this age are members of both Israel and the Church. While Gentile believers share in the spiritual blessings of Israel’s unconditional covenants, the church does not in any respect replace Israel as God’s Chosen People. In this age, the Church’s divinely mandated responsibilities are to make disciples of all nations following the “to the Jew first” prescription given directly to the Apostle Paul from the Lord Jesus. Evangelism, sharing the Gospel unashamedly, stems from the disciple-making process among all peoples of all nations. (Matthew 28:18-20, Galatians 1:15-17, Romans 1:16)

  • Jesus may return at any time in an event known as the Rapture to take His bride, the Church, from the earth to be with Him where He is The term “Rapture” is never used in the Bible. Nonetheless, Paul taught about this event. It will occur before the 7-year Tribulation. (John 14:1-3, 1 Corinthians 15:50–58, 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18)

  • After the Tribulation, in response to penitent Israel’s plea, Jesus will return physically to earth, destroy Israel’s enemies, and regather Israel’s remnant. He will establish a literal 1,000-year reign from Jerusalem known as the Millennial Kingdom, which was foretold in both the Old and New Testaments. Jesus will reign from David’s throne as King in Jerusalem over regenerate Israel and the entire earth. Following the Millennial Kingdom, the unsaved dead will be raised, judged, and cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity. Believers will enjoy eternity in Jesus presence in the New Jerusalem. (Revelation 20:1-6)

  • The fetus, from the moment of conception, is a person. All persons are created in the image of God regardless of age, health, function and/or condition of dependency. (Psalm 139:13-18)

EOS Therapeutic Riding Center

Over the years, our friends and family have had the honor of raising money for EOS Therapeutic Riding Center.

For 25 years, Joy LOVED going to EOS and seeing her horse, Rusty. Years ago, she wanted everyone to wear hats and feather boas. That was a bit of a hoot!  The volunteers were a riot as they had Joy, the dance queen, do the chicken dance while riding. Joy loved the Halloween book that Debby would read, and they’d act out the story. Our goal as Joy’s parents was to find joy in the journey of raising her. Today, even though Joy is no longer with us physically, we strive to find joy in the journey by making memories for others like Joy. Helping EOS is one way we can do that. 

O Lord, thou hast brought up my soul from the grave: thou hast kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit.

Psalm 30:3 (KJV)