The Phone Call: November 19, 2015

Today was one of those days. I had been dreading it since I got “the phone call” the previous Friday. A phone call I knew was going to have huge implications on my life and on the life of my daughter, Joy.  It involved not only me but a team of people who would be making plans for Joy’s future. It had to be done; but it was hard. 

Since that call I’d been focusing on 1 Thessalonians 5:18: “In everything, give THANKS!

I went to church on Sunday and there it was – up on the wall in the front of the church in big letters on a large placard, “In everything…. Give THANKS!”

My mind rewinded to a conversation I had with Reverend Tom Huckel of Hananeel Ministries several years ago. I’d gone to hear him speak on a Saturday evening at a local church. When he mentioned this verse I wondered, “How does a person do that? I can’t. I can’t be thankful for autism and sickness and death and divorce and …all the other things that come into our lives that bring tears of sadness.”

I returned to the church the next morning to hear Rev. Huckel speak at the Sunday morning church service. We arrived at the church at the same time. We cordially chatted walking from the parking lot to the church building. Finally I just blurted it out. “I’ve been thinking about what you said last night. How do I give thanks for all things? I want to. I know it is God’s will for me. But, I CAN’T! (Hear loud emphasis on me saying, “CAN’T!”). I CAN’T be THANKFUL for all things.”

His answer was simple. “You can do this because your eternal future is with God. Cindy, there are people in this world who have no hope. They don’t have Jesus. You CAN be thankful for all things. You have Jesus. You have HOPE.”

Tom was telling me I needed to keep an eternal perspective. My mind rewound to remember something my dear friend, Arnold Hammarberg, used to say, “Let’s just keep looking up.”

My thoughts came back to a recent sermon I’d heard. My pastor was discussing Romans 12:1-2, where Paul instructs us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind.

Renewing my mind. The mind is where it all begins. THANKFULNESS is a choice.

Here’s the really cool thing. You know the problem I’d anticipated? Day after day the Lord orchestrated people to be in my life who were able to give me wise counsel.

Going into the meeting I knew I was weak and lacked wisdom. But, I also knew people were praying with me about this and God heard those prayers. I was weak; but He gave me strength. I lacked wisdom; but He guided my words and gave me wisdom as I spoke.

This meeting had to take place - sometime. Today was the day. And, I was ready for it. Yup! I'm at the point where I'm ready for it.

I am deeply GRATEFUL for the wonderful people who work as a team with Joy…and me. What a BLESSING!





November 18, 1986